2012 - The Year of Fails

Been away for a while, got binniz to take care of. Nevertheless, if your NYE plans are looking about as lonely as a 37 year old spinster in Taiwan then just laugh your way through these FAILS! Lolz


Family Guy Voiceovers Rapping "Look At Me Now

Wow, this clip has only recently gone viral but it's definitely got "that spark" about it. How do the people who do these videos get the ideas for them, like while this man was busy watering his daffodils and tossing the salad he just decided "Ah, wouldn't it be cool to rap Chris Brown's Look At Me Now in the Family Guy voices?!". Who knows, time for NAFTA.



How to Get These Chicks "Nekkid"

For the guys out there who see Slim Anus as a compliment and not an insult (straight fams :D), this one's for you. Your friendly neighbourhood homeboy is gonna give you the lowdown on how you can conquer the seemed labyrinth of getting into these girls' head...and dey draws

Click on the picture and get to dating Ariane!


Funny, Troll-like Flapping Frenzied Animations

In life gems are few and far between, like a sincere politician or a raw unfiltered, unadulterated oral creampie, these things just don't come along very often (haha, get it?). These animations, otherwise known as GIF files fit that description. Just feast your eyes upon the one below (shout out to 4chan for this one)

Her pussc hang like wizard sleeve and swing like pendulum clock just ask Ainsley. Check out more tasteless GIFs here chump http://www.ohmagif.com/


Jive Turkey No Good Bleeding Motha-FUCK@S!

I don't know who invented the term nor how it came about, but one thing is certain; the word motha-fuck@ just rolls off of the tongue so beautifully, like shit off the toilet bowl into the realms of piss and period matter (damn). What kind of emotion are we even trying to express when we bark it across at someone? We'll never really be enlightened on this, punk-ass one testicle having motha-fuck@ but these soundbites are gonna take us one step closer to that point that's for sure.


Ballin Out (Racks on Racks)

Rule #1: Acquire yourself either an amount of 100 US dollars in the $1 denominator or purchase the bills of Zambian Kwachas/Kenyan Shilling/Iranian Rial or some other worthless currency (in the smallest paper denominator possible)

Rule #2: Play the video below, blast that thing out from your Logitechs!

Rule #3: MAKE IT RAIN!!!!!!!! A strong powered fan can come in handy too :D



The Eighties

Loool, wtf?! 2:25-2:29 exemplifies the reason why 80s Black guys will always get PWNED by the 90s Black guys XD


What the Internet Sees When it Looks at You

I just came across this site today. By having you answer questions about your computing preferences (five questions homey) it manages to paint a scarily accurate picture of your personality and what there is of the internet that matches with your personality type. Personally, I think that a better way of doing it would be to ask what kind of porn sites the user browses through in their spare time (now that can say alot, heck, hell have no fury like a woman's scorn during a hot steamy session of shoe porn o_o).

Click on the pic to "discover how the internet sees you"



Yep, what the title said. Check out Ken Russell's response to the romantically painted picture of life as a prostitute in the tub of lard, boulevard blockbuster "Pretty Woman". It's interesting to see how the sexual taboos and expectations have changed so much since the release of this movie. You can be sure to come across a deepthroat before a deep kiss nowadays. Anywho, sit back and view ma young nephew. 

Gotta love the opening scene man!


My Man Yeezy

Hey, I don't usually dedicate this blog to relaying songs but I had to make an exception for this one. Kanye is bringing me back to 05' with this flow and swag, but what makes the song for me is the music video. Picturesque in every aspect, definitely one to drop if your chick's feeling broody and nice video to watch after just having a dooby.


Tales of Mere Existence

This guy.....is a genius. Click on the pic to find out more. Definitely a philosopher's philosopher


Generational Differences

Old people, no matter what century or period it is will always be the same. They look to the past with nostalgia and to the future with doom, they just don't "get it". This video of elders reacting to Dubstep only goes further to prove that, nonetheless, shout out to the woman wearing the blue, confused therapeutic blouse, not only does she speak the truth but she would definitely have got a mouthful of my teabags if I stumbled upon a wormhole to the sixties :D



White Collar Beef - White Collar Grind

Don't ask me why it's titled in the way that it is, just know that everybody's human and all of our $h"ts (some with corn bits and peanuts) stink. Even billionaires lose it, check the way this media mogul tiger leaps a guy who looks like The Undertaker dressed up as Peter Jackson at a Halloween party for apparently "provoking" him



Classic Nintendo Games

Time for another time capsule, we're revisiting the nineties period. And, for a wailing, attention deficient toddler, life was about the three Ss: Super Nintendo, Sega and Sony, oh....as well as Robocop. Back when blowing was just seen as the remedy for a faulty cartridge, Street Fighter 2, Mario Kart, Final Fantasy all bonified classics of the SNES ruled our days. So, shut up and relive the classics with this online SNES emulator

Click on the pic, and kick ass


Superheros: Spiderman (The Amazing Spiderman)

Starting from today I will, every now and then write some hip s*_t about those superheroes who punctured our childhood with their spandex wearing tights, bizarre costumes and their sinister plans for vigilante justice. They went hard and they had every power you could think, best believe that m'fukas know who to call when a zombie invasion finally dawns upon our @r$e.

For this edition, we turn our attention to my favourite. That's right you no-cahones having Jabronis, the Amazing Spiderman. I just caught the film and I must say that it was a lot better than I expected. There was me thinking that this would be another desperate attempt by the producers of Doucheville to milk the cash cow for everything that it's got (cough, cough....Titanic 3D), but was surprised to see a number of marked improvements. The precursor to Parker being bitten by a radio-active spider in this version of the film follows a more logical and consistent route, the Lizard Man is featured and Spiderman finally returns to using web capsules to guide him in web-slinging (he actually used web capsules in the original cartoons for those d***riding fake fans and clingy girlfriends who have only watched the Spiderman movies). Definitely is worth the watch.

Click on the pic to watch The Amazing Spiderman (2012) online


Random Pictures Courtesy of Google Maps

Yooo wassup ma chavvy lackies! Google owns and does alot of $hit: they own Youtube, they offer their own email service, social networking site (lol), Dalmatian patchy translation services and maps. Yes, not only do they own your broadband waves they're now bringing it back down to earth with the terrestrial waves. Google maps is now becoming the default map for most internet users, but nevertheless the kids who are down with the clique use it for more than just navigation. Hit the zoom button on some of those areas and you end up stumbling across the most peculiar people in the most peculiar of places, and I'm talking about more than just failed rapists pitifully dressed as the San Francisco equivalent to Santa Claus, really odd stuff. Shout to out 9-eyes for this.

Click on the pic and check it out


Hawaii Five-0

Damn, this show is the best thing to hit Hawaii since Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat (for the kiddies, this man was the pre-cursor to Kofi Kingston and all of your other favourite high flyers)! A remake of the original series that started out in the sixties, you know the one that gave birth to the term "5-0"? The remake has to be the most intense, well thought out crime/detective series I've ever seen in my whole entire 21 years of life! Yep, best believe, I was watching these kind of shows when I was a baby kicking up s&£t....may explain a lot.

To give you an idea of how hectic the show is; the opening episode starts off with the lead character's father being held at gunpoint and killed off at point blank range. McGarrett (the lead character) then returns to Hawaii, determined too seek justice for his father's death, then the Governor of the State of Hawaii finds him and offers him a way in which he can get closer to finding the killer. Wait for it....the senior role in the state police department, granted with FULL IMMUNITY!!! You know what this means?! This man is like Rambo in the jungle, or in the great words of Eddie Murphy in 48 HRS "I'm your worst fuckin' nightmare, I'm a nigger with a badge which means I got permission to kick your fuckin' ass whenever I feel like it!"

Click on the pic to watch the series


The Perfect W-E-E-D Smoking Song

You know what is is, 11:53am, frontroom coach, nothing else to do but beat the meat and you've already reached that feat. The pizza from last night is gonna take a while to heat up, so, what are you waiting for? Dip into your button bag full of hash, rizzler and filter in hand, tight-pressed and in need of a bit of cess, sit back, flip on this track and blow your way through the rest. Toastin while prosing, you poets ain't ready for me! Ha!



Yep, you'll see these self-deprived, contrived assholes swarming all over your campus, your camp, your contingent like the parasites that inhibit them. When you do, keep your head high, dust off your shoulders, shuffle like you're flexing your calf muscles and pimp slap the snot out of these FACKERS!

Have trouble identifying one? Well then, this song should help



The real bros whose nuts hang low know of the ya-yo! You WILL come in to contact with these things sometime throughout your life, whether directly or indirectly.

It's a powerful thing, it'll have 90s' New York thug rappers talking about the "clouds and the planes, and the rainbows" (see Styles P), like WTF man! Everyone's had some kind of involvement in it with many having used it, 7.80 bucks and a can of crunchy peanut butter says that one of the member's of your country's national cabinet has probably indulged in a bit of 'Mary Jane' and maybe even snorted a bit of 'Charlie' off of the rear end of the local slice of warm pie. It's a crazy world out there and substances such as these make them even crazier!

But the question is, why all the big fuss about this? The hush-hush, the supposed taboo associated with them. Why am I not referring to the topic of discussion by name? How can something that only harms the consented user, be so dangerous??? The f£@k should I know, just stop thinking and watch this documentary:


The Circle Game

Ahh, how can one ever forget about the circle game? Any kid who grew up in the English speaking world during the 1990s will remember this game from an episode of SITCOM heavyweight Malcolm in the Middle, you know, the one where Stevie goes HAM on the spiky haired scholastically challenged wannabe bully Reese?!

This game will always be fun, especially if you're not on the receiving end of it (this may apply to both the puncher and observers). Yellow car game can suck a jizz-filled lemon, real recognise real and real recognises that the circle game is the past time for the bros whose nuts hang low.

The game starts out when the Offensive Player creates a circle with their thumb and forefinger, not unlike an "A-Okay" signal, somewhere below his waist.

His goal is to trick another person into looking at his hand. If the Victim looks at the hand, he has lost the game, and is subsequently hit on the bicep with a closed fist, by the offensive player.


1. The Offensive Player's hand must be below his waist.

2. The Victim should attempt to see the circle without looking down. In other words, by peripheral vision, the victim realizes there is a circle-hand event occurring. The Victim has two possible methods to win the game:

a. The Victim does not look down at the signal. Instead, the Victim stares the Offensive Player in the eye and says, "I'm not going to look at that." (or words to that effect.)

b. The Victim does not look down at the signal. Instead, the Victim quickly pokes his index finger through the Offensive Player's circle-hand display. If he can poke inside and break the circle, HE wins, and gets to hit the Offensive player in the bicep. This action requires excellent motor skills (to poke the circle without actually looking directly at it.)

3. If the Victim looks at the circle, he loses (and is hit.)

4. If the Victim attempts to poke the circle and misses, he loses (and is hit.)

5. If the Victim attempts to poke the circle and Offensive player closes the circle, trapping Victim's finger, then the Victim loses (and is hit.)

And if you feel like being a gimp and inflicting maximum damage on your opponent then get your smartphone out and show them this video:

Mwahahahahahahahaha, this will f@$k him over faster than a passive bunny rabbit during mating season! Enjoy m'boy.



In the world of film and tv for the most part, people f&#k up, choke and eventually leave set with a thick brown log-like substance running down their left trouser leg. Luckily for them, there is always "take two" and the viewers only see these actors at their very best and most composed (unless your Christian Bale) on screen.

Unfortunately, life doesn't pan out the same for professional wrestlers. If someone misses a spot, gets caught punching dust instead of teeth then the screw-up is out there for everyone to see. Smile, cos you're LIVE baby!

But just in case you missed it, loyal wrestling fans from all over the world have created compilations of the biggest 'botches' that some wrestlers (cough, cough, SIN CARA) would rather forget. On a side note, the soundtrack to these botches are the stuff of FACKIN legend ma bredrin!

Now, take a look at a few of the videos below and listen and do the adjective play....yh..play!

Check out a some of these ridiculous botches!

Includes Hogan with his leather belt and SEND FOR THE MAN!

Looool, Wrestlemania 27...need I say more?

200th edition of Botchamania!


Wu Tang Clan Name Generator

Life in all its essence, the women, the stealing, the Halloween parties, the children, can all be summed up in a matter of a few sentences-"Cash rules everything around me C.R.E.A.M get the money, dollar dollar bill y'alllllllll.". Yes, C.R.E.A.M and no I don't mean cream as in the kind that you use to wipe the dry bits in between your arse, stale nipple! Nor do I speak of the cream that was popularly referenced to in one hit wonder 112's hit song 'Peaches and Cream" (faggots!) I'm talking bout "Cash rules everything around me"!

Wu Tang Clan are, needless to say in a class of their own and all of the hipsters like them so they must be hip right?! :/

Anyway, if you haven't come across it already here's the Wu Tang Clan name generator. Just enter your name into the generator and it will give you your own personalised clan name (do it jabroni!). Everyone who's anyone is a member of this ever so prestigious organisation (kinda like its own secret society, wink wink, handshake). Don't believe me, just ask Donald Glover!

Click on the clan logo to complete your admission into the society.

GO HARD OR GO HOME! The Vangelic Surgeon wishes the best of luck!



When you're born you get a ticket to the freak show. When you're born in America, you get a front row seat" George Carlin

The late great philosophical saint couldn't have summed it up any better. And, to truly understand this you need to see one of the main acts in reality show 'Cheaters', hosted by a 'hip', greasy haired prune buffoon who looks like he may be a cross between The Undertaker and Michael Cole in leather pants; this show does alot to stretch the concept of privacy to its limits.

Anything that may draw viewers in to watch may occur at any given time on this show, the fact that they are filming people during what is supposed to be an intimate and emotional trauma says enough about this show (becoming a repeating theme right?). Gimp costumes and dominatrixes, the black version of a naked snorlax to riverside/ocean stabbings ("Riverside MOTHAFUCKA!!!"), anything can happen. Check out the clips if you don't believe.

It's all good

Da fuck!



If eternal happiness and the feelings of euphoria and adrenaline could somehow be packaged into some matter of substance, it wouldn't come in the tasteless smiley faces of LSD pills and MDMA tablets, no. It'd be found in a Macbook Pro somewhere in the city that isn't a city of Croydon, the birthplace and ongoing hub of dubstep music!

The dubstep scene has exploded in popularity over the last five years, a not so distant cousin of drum n bass and UK grime it's growth and influence, or bass drop for that matter can no longer be ignored.

For realz, the bass drop in this genre of music is like what Colonel Sanders is to KFC, what Rihanna is to Barbados, what Nicole Scherzinger is to that girl band with the ginger haired female equivalent to The Hulk, what the sesame seeded bread bun is to the cheeseburger...IT'S EVERYTHING!!! If the bass drop doesn't make you feel as if you're about to burst into a skank akin to that of an epileptic fit, then it's not worth having.

Get familiarized with dubstep my D.A.N!


The Rock's Record About...Pie!

FIIIINNNNALLLLLLYYYYY, The Rock has come back for a piece of his poontang pie!

During the period that is known as the 'Attitude Era' of professional wrestling, back when it was still cool to like it and casually be seen wearing wrestling gear on the way to a bbq, Dwayne ‘The Rock' Johnson who was back then the face of the WWE/F managed to do a song with the metaphor knocking, hip hopping, immigration dodging Slick Rick!

The Rock, with the help of Slick Rick gives us the 411 on his very physical encounter with a mother, daughter and a Chinese next door neighbour in the hollow farmhouses of the South (doing the plot of the song justice like only the deep south can)!

Instant classic, and if you don't agree you can take that $2 mouse that you're using to scroll up and down your lil shoe fetish porno flicks, grease it up real good, turn it sideways and stick it STRAIGHT UP YOUR CANDYASS!!!



The Decade That is..the 90s

You guys know that I had to do something big for the 25th post!

Ah, first thing's first, the decade of the 90s will be forever pinpointed by one date; April 6th, 1991 the year a prodigy, the master of disaster, the captain of macking, the minx cat of pimp slaps, the oven of lovein was born (me, if a few of you @$$clowns are still somehow yet to catch on!), it was also the day that one war ended and another one had begun (prizes for anyone who gets the answer to this mysterious Harry Potter sounding ass phrase!) but overall, this was a good decade for the West and Western culture in all of its glory.

The commies were beaten and begging for mercy, it was the beginning of the end of the much talked about Japanese world 'takeover' and Will Smith went from making out with primmed up preppy posh guys to making the show in which all solutions to life can be found, 'The Fresh Prince of Bel Air'. That strange nation of people who maintain an equally strange calendar system, the USA, stood unrivalled in every measurable measure in the world. The 90s was probably the best period to be an American next to the period when Elvis Presley was acting in low budget romance films and movie titles like 'Some Like it Hot' were accepted without a sinister thought in mind! Shoo, even Black people (with the exception of Rodney King) had it good during the 90s! So for all of you glasses with no lens, skinny jeans wearing hipsters, 1992 marks the TRUE date of the election of the first Black president not 2008 you dog-shagging irrelevant piece of excrement!

So, I present to you '48 Pictures that Perfectly Capture the '90s' within my picture that perfectly captures the 90s!


On a side note, this decade also marked the rise, rise and temporary (I do question the use of the word, temporary) fall of the biggest selling female artist of the 90s, the cradle snatching master of the soprano Mariah Carey! And it's all documented here, through the tale of three songs!

Alright, it's 2001 but it was close enough jabroni!!! Oh yh, fingers up to these big mogul music corporate hounds, allow me to host this music!!!


Random Programs and Movies Paired with Laugh Tracks

Once upon a time, many many years ago, someone (undoubtedly an American) thought that it would be a cool idea to add the audio of laughter (only the real banana peel Bills would air it with a live audience in the background) to what is now the dying breed of the sitcom. It worked wonders for many sitcoms such as 'Friends', 'The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air' and 'My Wife and Kids' but still couldn't cover the s*@!-filled holes of some others though, that 60 year old, vagina-eating roidmonsta LL Cool J can certainly vouch for that (remember 'In the House'? Yh, nuff said!).

Interestingly enough, an online trend is now beginning to spread where a laughter track is added to scenes from random movies and clips. It took me a while to get used to it, but it has a way of eventually working its magic on you!

Check out a few recent masterpieces!

Here's the pervy looking"shiny head mothafucka!" with his t-shirt buttoned up to the top inside a questioning room!

Pony tailed Ewan McGregor

And lastly, as if they were not already humiliated enough! One decides to add a laughter track to the 'To Catch a Predator' show! Haha!


Safe Sex

One thing to always bear in mind about college, is that once you discover that diamond of a mojo of yours pussy's gonna come calling your name more than a feline kennel! But never forget! In the great words of Hip hop artist Missy Elliot on a winter's day long ago with that Kipper lookin ass wigga who gets less ass than Tigger Tim Westwood "Always back it up, before you smack it up" (if you're into smacking it up and that sort of shizz then SNM).

So, if you don't want your dick to fall off then never forget to wear your Jimmyhat! Regardless of the situation, for the longevity of your sexual health and prowess, strap up! This film titled 'Kids' tries to illustrate that as a group of teenage New Yorkers, in the quest to tally up their experiences with cherry pie end up unknowingly spreading HIV to a number of innocent victims. This film is about as gritty, raw and underground as it gets, so much so that I think that it was actually banned from being shown in cinemas across the States! Some of the scenes, especially the last one touches a nerve and succeed in getting you to think twice. Oh yh, and of course, somewhere throughout the movie someone gets "knocked da f@*& out!" Haha. Definitely worth the watch.

Official Trailer

And then, Hogan's scrotum click on the pic below for link to full film!

Also, as a sidenote, now you'll finally understand the reference that Dr Dre makes in the song Guilty Conscience with Eminem. Remember, "Ain't you seen that one movie 'Kids'?". Real talks manno!


The Underdog Story-Watch This and Then Proceed to LOOOOOL!

Ahhh, I remember when I first stumbled across this beauty! It was this time last year, a fellow colleague of mine dropped a link to this on someone's wall on that datahounding, social killing monophobic piece of arsemilk site called Facebook! Anyway, we'll leave baitbook for another day.

In this clip you will see a fight modelled after the conventional scenario of David and Goliath, as the fat behemoth, leviathan like figure proceeds to capture his prey and give him those bear-like clubs that only a man of his size can, Hackney Dandy fearlessly ducks, dives and sways his way to victory! After getting the big man down and throwing blows at him like they were the last men in a prison shower (no homo bro), the bout became an instant classic for kids, women and men alike.

But for me, what makes this clip larger than life itself (except for the big bosomed snorlax lookin motherf*@*Q in the video!) is the music! When listening to it, the passion and the importance attached to this fight by both men is truly felt, so, my young ones watch, as the Middle East's finest (or South Asia's?) croak to this in the melodic, autotune defying harmony in a way that only they can do!

Check out the fight!


UK Border Force aka the Gestapo of Heathrow Airport!

If there's one thing that you'll ever learn about the British, it's that they can make TV out of anything. Yep, X Factor, The Weakest Link, Big Brother, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, so and so's Got Talent were all plucked from the brains of us stuffed up tea-lovers! One struggles to understand why, whatever happened to just being satisfied with a corny soap opera, or a washed up dating show that featured a batted up old fogey with the cheeks of a younglin Labrador? The Good old days, back when a Saturday evening meant something!

Now (surprise, surprise) a hit show has been founded on the idea of filming illegal aliens at their deepest point of despair. Desperate for shelter, safety and the chance for a better life the show (cleverly named 'UK Border Force') documents how border officers shut out illegals from "coming in and taking our jobs" (while I sip on my mug, fill out my jobseeker form and watch The Jeremy Kyle on a Wednesday afternoon). There is seriously no holding back on this, from ransacking old dingy Chinese restaurants and inner city fried chicken stores to carrying out searches on cargo trucks headed for the border, UK immigration authorities now mean business.

Nonetheless, I must digress....it is still some FUNNY SHIT!!! Call it a guilty pleasure.

Check out the first aired episode

Then witness Yakubu no 2 attempt to to push through the story of him being a 15 year old boy who graduated from his school in 1994! Smdh!


Wrestlemania! The Granddaddy of em all and the Greatest Show on Earth!!!

If there's anything that you'll learn about the writer of this website, it's that he's a big wrestling fan. I can't quite put my finger on it but I've always had a thing for the steroid fuelled men in spandex (no, no don't get the wrong idea). Also, if you haven't already noticed, I'm a huge fan of The Rock so I was roaring to see him slap the lips off of that Roodypoo, fruity pebbled looking cross between Vanilla Ice and Hulk Hogan John Cena!

Anyway, Wrestlemania is like the festive period of professional wrestling. It also marks one of the rare nights where people can stay up to 4am in the morning, scream and moan like never before without being judged! -_-

Luckily, I've come across a link that has video parts to the whole of Wrestlemania 28!!! Watch them now, quickly before they're all taken down! Thank me later Jabronis.

Watch all of it now in one part, thanks to Youtube!



Whatcha, whatcha gonna DOOOOOO?! WHEN THEY COME FOR YOU?!

For a long time I used to hum these catchy lines without knowing where they originated from, 10 years on, I found out, now that's fulfilment for ya you huckleberry fruity scooby arseclowns!

Cops is essentially a program that records the daily run ins of enforcers of the law across the United States, nothing is held back as males with high testosterone levels and low self esteem go that extra mile to make a show for all of the viewers and give that deserving criminal the five minutes of fame they've always craved for.

Check the intro for the first season of the show.

AND, of course a link to some free, crack fueled, sweaty mess!
......click on the picture for the link arse, well the picture says it all..


Sergeant James Doakes

Yo pony homeys! It's been a while, but unlike the people who read this blog I actually gotz businassssss to take care of! But now I'm back, and back with a hot minute to spare. Indeed, check out this jive talking, bald walking, jabroni speaking MOFO!

The king of smack dressed in black, ready to smoke yo ass faster than crack it's Doakes! "surprise motherfucka!" and "suck my dick motherfucka did ya hear that?!"

Click on the picture for the blog MOTHERFUCKA!!!


The demented, senile creature of the Iron Sheik (FYA!!!)

Remember old skool Wrestlemania before all the toddlers started liking it? Remember Hogan vs Sheik?! An undoubted legend, the Iron Sheik's accomplishments have to be respected but this guy now seems to have gone all AWOL and ANAL! Wtf, his new catchphrases about "putt you in da Camel Clutch, break eur back and F**K YOU IN TH ASSSS! I WILL HUMBLE YOU!!!" Are bizarre but funny as f*** Hahahahaha! Ahhh shit! Check out these clips of him in trash talking, bumraping, cocaine addict mode!

The Sheik and his weener, clearly can't contain the excitement of being crotched over Hulkamania's sweaty arse during a physically testing session!


The Cinnamon and Chilli Challenge

Okay, granted I am a little late with this craze, but at the same time, how long has this shit been around for?! Videos based on the cinnamon challenge were apparently being made before Twitter was invented (I know). How comes all of a sudden we're now all about seeing attention seeking noobz spitting brown stuff everywhere and making a mess of their kitchen? If I wanted to see that then I'd just go another round with Two Girls and One Cup! (ARGGHHHERGHGHEHJBJHBDJ!WTYGFYUJGBEJHHEUJ!!!) Haha!

Check out these fails from the farting girl:

Low self-esteemed dyke looking Rebecca Black wannabe:

And the guy who dared to take it to another level!


Things London People Say...

For those who are not the most familiar with UK demographics and British culture (which counts for most people :P), if there is one thing worth noting, above Britain's rich history of fuckin everyone in site over, the peoples love for tea and biscuits, even the Queen, it's that London IS Britain BITCH! Everyone knows a Londoner from the time they've laid eyes upon them, we're confident, loud, direct and cultured, we'll let you know what we're about bossman! Anyway, check out this video exploring the slang, the lingo of the streets of London that help to solidify our place among the hardest, most gangsta citygoers out there!

Oh yh, and check this video out of those American rejects (the Canadians) trying to bite our slang! We ain't having that bruv! Haha! (Or was it they that influenced London?)


George Carlin

The late George Carlin was a man of wit, who possessed a healthy habit for cynicism, and also just simply didn't give a f***!!! This guy's sketches always leave me in stitches, definitely the hardest out of the bunch, may even give Richard Pryor a run for his money!

Check out this sketch he does on guys with bitch ass names, hilarious, but the truth pansy! -__-

Click on this link:http://georgecarlinsez.blogspot.com/ to see more of this innovator's work, he'll make you see things through a whole other dimension, probably make you quit your day job too! :P


Buffy Swearing Keyboard

This app is the stuff of legend! Believe you me, whenever you're feeling down this shit is bound to put a smile back on your face! The Buffy Swearing Keyboard essentially does what it says on the tin, each letter on the keyboard contains random insults and terms that are of "a sexually explicit nature". Examples can be pressing the X letter key to come across a raving looney shouting out "Xylophone buggery!" and others include reminding us about the importance of the "Iguana scrotum". ROFL, you've just gotta love the whole randomness of it! So don't be a prude Jabroni and give the keyboard a try!



Go Hard as a M'fuck** for Valentines Day

While she bores you to sleep with all her soppy gay talk about the latest romance movie, and while he listens on (pretending to care), at the candle lit table that has been lavished from head to toe in rose petals to the sounds of Keith Sweat's 'Make it Last Forever' (thank me later guys :) ), giving you that look (you know) indicating to you that "it's on tonight", you'll hate to hear about what us 'Bawses' will be doing.

Click on the Picture for Link to the Movie Sunny Jim!
The film, simply titled 'Valentine', is about a young man who gets sent away to some kind of juvenile camp when he was a kid. Reason-being, because a group of snot-nosed, slimy, insensitive girls decided to humiliate and falsely accuse him of sexually harassing one of their friends (when you see the 'friend' later on in the movie you'll see that the pig framed nose does its own bit of justice for the boy). But don't worry, he doesn't forget, in fact years later when everyone's all grown up he returns, refined and repackaged and hungry for blood, he catches up with the girls under the guise of a pleasant stranger. Albeit, unfortunately for them, they will soon remember him as he single handedly slashes his way through all of the girls who framed him at the infamous prom.

No romancing here, just a real, vengeance and gore fuelled horror film to watch on your ones if your secret admirers are too pussy to confess their feelings to you because of the fear of being rejected by your awesomeness. Or a group of friends, or your partner if they a bad bitch or hard lad!


Speed Dating

Speed dating! It's good practice, quick and straight to the point. Originally set up by a Jewish guy in the States for the purposes of convenience and efficiency, one would say it skips all the expensive meals and fancy bs and helps better determine a match. Give it a try, there should be one somewhere in your local area that's going for a decent price and if anything it's always good for a nice laugh!

Thank me later muggles!
Check this video while you're at it, because coming prepared doesn't bringing out a notepad full of questions dweeb!


Successful Black Male Meme

HAHAHAHA! While we're on the topic of memes 'Successful Black Male' is another classic that I've come across, captions are made to a photo of a well dressed, prim and proper black man in a seemingly oxymoron like manner. Shit's touchy for some but funny for alot, including myself (who could also be likened to the captioned individual), memorable ones range from "I roll up...some sushi" and "I have a huge Dick....Cheney poster in my room" to "Want some Blunt?...I'll put 'You're Beautiful' on the stereo right now"! LMAO! You need to see the memes to truly understand cretins, it's like Carlton Banks (From the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, not the porn star :s) all over again!




Ahhhhhh! Where to start with this legend of a thinker? Philosorapter poses all of those questions that visit your thoughts during a hot day in the back garden patio while puffing on a pineapple flavoured multi-coloured fruity dooby! But some of his thoughts are certainly unique, mark my words, do not seek meaning or change in your life through a philosophy degree! Your education in life starts here with Philosorapter. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Descartes (pronounced Day-karts for all of you raggamuffins that don't know!) eat your heart out!

Click on the picture for the link to a Philosorapter archives site! Thank me later homeboyz


Don't F*** with Spider!!!

Hardly the brightest bulb in the chandelier, he thought that he could take on this killer of a spider with a plastic bowl!? (yeah I know). How was he planning to dispose of it once he caught it in this open package?!!! The dropping of the camera and the sound of his daughter telling him off is timeless, with each view it becomes even funnier!

Watch, laugh, replay, laugh, and then replay again! HAHAHAHA! Buffoon!


Drinking Games Part 1

Now, everyone who goes college knows about the good old tradition of drinking games! It's pre-drinks (or what I know as a 'drink up'), banter and shit talk is being made, people are loosening up and bang! Out of nowhere, suggestions for drinking games arise.

So, 'Withnail and I' seems like a bit of a random kind of film, but who cares it's viewed as a classic and there's alot of drinking in it!

The rules are simple, whenever the characters in the film are seen drinking some kind of alcoholic substance you're expected to do the same. When they drink, you drink. Whiskey or other spirits for the hard/suicidal viewers and cider or other type of beers for the rest of us pussies!




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You know the drill, click the photo for link. Your world will never be the same again!

Yes, Akinator, if you're yet to hear about this thing you now have! This cool app reads your mind, by asking you a succession of questions it uses the data collected from your answers to make a guess (likely to be correct) at who you're thinking of. Seriously, this Akinator is not one to be messed with, it even correctly guessed the identities of a few of my favourite pornstars! And yes I know, I must watch be watching alot of pornographic material to be able to actually know the names of these 'actresses'.


Guile Theme Goes with Everything

Once it's online and on some kind of official website, it's official, the Guile theme goes with everything! I can't quite finger the origins of this viral but here's a few of personal favs!


Intellectual (pseudo?) Stimulation in the Form of TED Videos


Now this is a cool site, So much information with somehow so little relevance to your life! That's what academia and being an intellectual is all about, sometimes you just have to miss out the middle bit of the slogan and indulge in learning more about so many topics worthy of the social dinner trial (Come Dine with Me style!).


Street Fighter 2 The Animated Movie

The game is the stuff of legend and the animated movie came nothing short of matching its success. Lord knows that it was so much better than the haphazard, poorly scripted and poorly written live action version! The only thing that makes that film watchable is the Kickboxer himself, Jean-Claude Van Damme, I mean, the actor who played Dee Jay didn't even really try to put on a Caribbean accent (Bumchum). Oh yeah and of course, Ms Minogue was somewhat of a big deal in this film where Cammy somehow moved from just being a cameo character to the woman in command! @,@ *b***h!

Anywho, here's the Japanese version with English subs on Youtube:

If you have a viewing preference towards one with an English dub, never fear I'll conjure up something here!


I'll have to admit, the English dub is pretty impressive. Dialogue highlights range from Vega's "You BITCH! My face, LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME!!!", Ken calling M.Bison a "Dickhead" to Bison hitting him with the comeback of all comebacks...you know what I'm talking about "You worthless piece of excrement!" :D Hahahahaha, PWNED!

Enjoy and cherish the chance to watch the real street fighter, not a B-star, BS, bitch Hollywood rip off!


Watch this Video, Over, and Over Again..

This song is absolutely ILLLLL! The best dance song I've EVER heard in the whole wideworld, simple as, it's not up for dispute. 'We Found Love' or any of that sultry poppitosh of today can't hold a candle to this, let alone a firecracker!

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