Wu Tang Clan Name Generator
Life in all its essence, the women, the stealing, the Halloween parties, the children, can all be summed up in a matter of a few sentences-"Cash rules everything around me C.R.E.A.M get the money, dollar dollar bill y'alllllllll.". Yes, C.R.E.A.M and no I don't mean cream as in the kind that you use to wipe the dry bits in between your arse, stale nipple! Nor do I speak of the cream that was popularly referenced to in one hit wonder 112's hit song 'Peaches and Cream" (faggots!) I'm talking bout "Cash rules everything around me"!
Wu Tang Clan are, needless to say in a class of their own and all of the hipsters like them so they must be hip right?! :/
Anyway, if you haven't come across it already here's the Wu Tang Clan name generator. Just enter your name into the generator and it will give you your own personalised clan name (do it jabroni!). Everyone who's anyone is a member of this ever so prestigious organisation (kinda like its own secret society, wink wink, handshake). Don't believe me, just ask Donald Glover!
Click on the clan logo to complete your admission into the society.
GO HARD OR GO HOME! The Vangelic Surgeon wishes the best of luck!

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