The Underdog Story-Watch This and Then Proceed to LOOOOOL!

Ahhh, I remember when I first stumbled across this beauty! It was this time last year, a fellow colleague of mine dropped a link to this on someone's wall on that datahounding, social killing monophobic piece of arsemilk site called Facebook! Anyway, we'll leave baitbook for another day.

In this clip you will see a fight modelled after the conventional scenario of David and Goliath, as the fat behemoth, leviathan like figure proceeds to capture his prey and give him those bear-like clubs that only a man of his size can, Hackney Dandy fearlessly ducks, dives and sways his way to victory! After getting the big man down and throwing blows at him like they were the last men in a prison shower (no homo bro), the bout became an instant classic for kids, women and men alike.

But for me, what makes this clip larger than life itself (except for the big bosomed snorlax lookin motherf*@*Q in the video!) is the music! When listening to it, the passion and the importance attached to this fight by both men is truly felt, so, my young ones watch, as the Middle East's finest (or South Asia's?) croak to this in the melodic, autotune defying harmony in a way that only they can do!

Check out the fight!


UK Border Force aka the Gestapo of Heathrow Airport!

If there's one thing that you'll ever learn about the British, it's that they can make TV out of anything. Yep, X Factor, The Weakest Link, Big Brother, Who Wants to be a Millionaire, so and so's Got Talent were all plucked from the brains of us stuffed up tea-lovers! One struggles to understand why, whatever happened to just being satisfied with a corny soap opera, or a washed up dating show that featured a batted up old fogey with the cheeks of a younglin Labrador? The Good old days, back when a Saturday evening meant something!

Now (surprise, surprise) a hit show has been founded on the idea of filming illegal aliens at their deepest point of despair. Desperate for shelter, safety and the chance for a better life the show (cleverly named 'UK Border Force') documents how border officers shut out illegals from "coming in and taking our jobs" (while I sip on my mug, fill out my jobseeker form and watch The Jeremy Kyle on a Wednesday afternoon). There is seriously no holding back on this, from ransacking old dingy Chinese restaurants and inner city fried chicken stores to carrying out searches on cargo trucks headed for the border, UK immigration authorities now mean business.

Nonetheless, I must digress....it is still some FUNNY SHIT!!! Call it a guilty pleasure.

Check out the first aired episode

Then witness Yakubu no 2 attempt to to push through the story of him being a 15 year old boy who graduated from his school in 1994! Smdh!


Wrestlemania! The Granddaddy of em all and the Greatest Show on Earth!!!

If there's anything that you'll learn about the writer of this website, it's that he's a big wrestling fan. I can't quite put my finger on it but I've always had a thing for the steroid fuelled men in spandex (no, no don't get the wrong idea). Also, if you haven't already noticed, I'm a huge fan of The Rock so I was roaring to see him slap the lips off of that Roodypoo, fruity pebbled looking cross between Vanilla Ice and Hulk Hogan John Cena!

Anyway, Wrestlemania is like the festive period of professional wrestling. It also marks one of the rare nights where people can stay up to 4am in the morning, scream and moan like never before without being judged! -_-

Luckily, I've come across a link that has video parts to the whole of Wrestlemania 28!!! Watch them now, quickly before they're all taken down! Thank me later Jabronis.

Watch all of it now in one part, thanks to Youtube!

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