While she bores you to sleep with all her soppy gay talk about the latest romance movie, and while he listens on (pretending to care), at the candle lit table that has been lavished from head to toe in rose petals to the sounds of Keith Sweat's 'Make it Last Forever' (thank me later guys :) ), giving you that look (you know) indicating to you that "it's on tonight", you'll hate to hear about what us 'Bawses' will be doing.
Click on the Picture for Link to the Movie Sunny Jim!

The film, simply titled 'Valentine', is about a young man who gets sent away to some kind of juvenile camp when he was a kid. Reason-being, because a group of snot-nosed, slimy, insensitive girls decided to humiliate and falsely accuse him of sexually harassing one of their friends (when you see the 'friend' later on in the movie you'll see that the pig framed nose does its own bit of justice for the boy). But don't worry, he doesn't forget, in fact years later when everyone's all grown up he returns, refined and repackaged and hungry for blood, he catches up with the girls under the guise of a pleasant stranger. Albeit, unfortunately for them, they will soon remember him as he single handedly slashes his way through all of the girls who framed him at the infamous prom.
No romancing here, just a real, vengeance and gore fuelled horror film to watch on your ones if your secret admirers are too pussy to confess their feelings to you because of the fear of being rejected by your awesomeness. Or a group of friends, or your partner if they a bad bitch or hard lad!