The demented, senile creature of the Iron Sheik (FYA!!!)

Remember old skool Wrestlemania before all the toddlers started liking it? Remember Hogan vs Sheik?! An undoubted legend, the Iron Sheik's accomplishments have to be respected but this guy now seems to have gone all AWOL and ANAL! Wtf, his new catchphrases about "putt you in da Camel Clutch, break eur back and F**K YOU IN TH ASSSS! I WILL HUMBLE YOU!!!" Are bizarre but funny as f*** Hahahahaha! Ahhh shit! Check out these clips of him in trash talking, bumraping, cocaine addict mode!

The Sheik and his weener, clearly can't contain the excitement of being crotched over Hulkamania's sweaty arse during a physically testing session!


The Cinnamon and Chilli Challenge

Okay, granted I am a little late with this craze, but at the same time, how long has this shit been around for?! Videos based on the cinnamon challenge were apparently being made before Twitter was invented (I know). How comes all of a sudden we're now all about seeing attention seeking noobz spitting brown stuff everywhere and making a mess of their kitchen? If I wanted to see that then I'd just go another round with Two Girls and One Cup! (ARGGHHHERGHGHEHJBJHBDJ!WTYGFYUJGBEJHHEUJ!!!) Haha!

Check out these fails from the farting girl:

Low self-esteemed dyke looking Rebecca Black wannabe:

And the guy who dared to take it to another level!


Things London People Say...

For those who are not the most familiar with UK demographics and British culture (which counts for most people :P), if there is one thing worth noting, above Britain's rich history of fuckin everyone in site over, the peoples love for tea and biscuits, even the Queen, it's that London IS Britain BITCH! Everyone knows a Londoner from the time they've laid eyes upon them, we're confident, loud, direct and cultured, we'll let you know what we're about bossman! Anyway, check out this video exploring the slang, the lingo of the streets of London that help to solidify our place among the hardest, most gangsta citygoers out there!

Oh yh, and check this video out of those American rejects (the Canadians) trying to bite our slang! We ain't having that bruv! Haha! (Or was it they that influenced London?)


George Carlin

The late George Carlin was a man of wit, who possessed a healthy habit for cynicism, and also just simply didn't give a f***!!! This guy's sketches always leave me in stitches, definitely the hardest out of the bunch, may even give Richard Pryor a run for his money!

Check out this sketch he does on guys with bitch ass names, hilarious, but the truth pansy! -__-

Click on this link:http://georgecarlinsez.blogspot.com/ to see more of this innovator's work, he'll make you see things through a whole other dimension, probably make you quit your day job too! :P


Buffy Swearing Keyboard

This app is the stuff of legend! Believe you me, whenever you're feeling down this shit is bound to put a smile back on your face! The Buffy Swearing Keyboard essentially does what it says on the tin, each letter on the keyboard contains random insults and terms that are of "a sexually explicit nature". Examples can be pressing the X letter key to come across a raving looney shouting out "Xylophone buggery!" and others include reminding us about the importance of the "Iguana scrotum". ROFL, you've just gotta love the whole randomness of it! So don't be a prude Jabroni and give the keyboard a try!



Go Hard as a M'fuck** for Valentines Day

While she bores you to sleep with all her soppy gay talk about the latest romance movie, and while he listens on (pretending to care), at the candle lit table that has been lavished from head to toe in rose petals to the sounds of Keith Sweat's 'Make it Last Forever' (thank me later guys :) ), giving you that look (you know) indicating to you that "it's on tonight", you'll hate to hear about what us 'Bawses' will be doing.

Click on the Picture for Link to the Movie Sunny Jim!
The film, simply titled 'Valentine', is about a young man who gets sent away to some kind of juvenile camp when he was a kid. Reason-being, because a group of snot-nosed, slimy, insensitive girls decided to humiliate and falsely accuse him of sexually harassing one of their friends (when you see the 'friend' later on in the movie you'll see that the pig framed nose does its own bit of justice for the boy). But don't worry, he doesn't forget, in fact years later when everyone's all grown up he returns, refined and repackaged and hungry for blood, he catches up with the girls under the guise of a pleasant stranger. Albeit, unfortunately for them, they will soon remember him as he single handedly slashes his way through all of the girls who framed him at the infamous prom.

No romancing here, just a real, vengeance and gore fuelled horror film to watch on your ones if your secret admirers are too pussy to confess their feelings to you because of the fear of being rejected by your awesomeness. Or a group of friends, or your partner if they a bad bitch or hard lad!


Speed Dating

Speed dating! It's good practice, quick and straight to the point. Originally set up by a Jewish guy in the States for the purposes of convenience and efficiency, one would say it skips all the expensive meals and fancy bs and helps better determine a match. Give it a try, there should be one somewhere in your local area that's going for a decent price and if anything it's always good for a nice laugh!

Thank me later muggles!
Check this video while you're at it, because coming prepared doesn't bringing out a notepad full of questions dweeb!


Successful Black Male Meme

HAHAHAHA! While we're on the topic of memes 'Successful Black Male' is another classic that I've come across, captions are made to a photo of a well dressed, prim and proper black man in a seemingly oxymoron like manner. Shit's touchy for some but funny for alot, including myself (who could also be likened to the captioned individual), memorable ones range from "I roll up...some sushi" and "I have a huge Dick....Cheney poster in my room" to "Want some Blunt?...I'll put 'You're Beautiful' on the stereo right now"! LMAO! You need to see the memes to truly understand cretins, it's like Carlton Banks (From the Fresh Prince of Bel Air, not the porn star :s) all over again!




Ahhhhhh! Where to start with this legend of a thinker? Philosorapter poses all of those questions that visit your thoughts during a hot day in the back garden patio while puffing on a pineapple flavoured multi-coloured fruity dooby! But some of his thoughts are certainly unique, mark my words, do not seek meaning or change in your life through a philosophy degree! Your education in life starts here with Philosorapter. Socrates, Plato, Aristotle and Descartes (pronounced Day-karts for all of you raggamuffins that don't know!) eat your heart out!

Click on the picture for the link to a Philosorapter archives site! Thank me later homeboyz


Don't F*** with Spider!!!

Hardly the brightest bulb in the chandelier, he thought that he could take on this killer of a spider with a plastic bowl!? (yeah I know). How was he planning to dispose of it once he caught it in this open package?!!! The dropping of the camera and the sound of his daughter telling him off is timeless, with each view it becomes even funnier!

Watch, laugh, replay, laugh, and then replay again! HAHAHAHA! Buffoon!


Drinking Games Part 1

Now, everyone who goes college knows about the good old tradition of drinking games! It's pre-drinks (or what I know as a 'drink up'), banter and shit talk is being made, people are loosening up and bang! Out of nowhere, suggestions for drinking games arise.

So, 'Withnail and I' seems like a bit of a random kind of film, but who cares it's viewed as a classic and there's alot of drinking in it!

The rules are simple, whenever the characters in the film are seen drinking some kind of alcoholic substance you're expected to do the same. When they drink, you drink. Whiskey or other spirits for the hard/suicidal viewers and cider or other type of beers for the rest of us pussies!




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You know the drill, click the photo for link. Your world will never be the same again!

Yes, Akinator, if you're yet to hear about this thing you now have! This cool app reads your mind, by asking you a succession of questions it uses the data collected from your answers to make a guess (likely to be correct) at who you're thinking of. Seriously, this Akinator is not one to be messed with, it even correctly guessed the identities of a few of my favourite pornstars! And yes I know, I must watch be watching alot of pornographic material to be able to actually know the names of these 'actresses'.


Guile Theme Goes with Everything

Once it's online and on some kind of official website, it's official, the Guile theme goes with everything! I can't quite finger the origins of this viral but here's a few of personal favs!


Intellectual (pseudo?) Stimulation in the Form of TED Videos


Now this is a cool site, So much information with somehow so little relevance to your life! That's what academia and being an intellectual is all about, sometimes you just have to miss out the middle bit of the slogan and indulge in learning more about so many topics worthy of the social dinner trial (Come Dine with Me style!).


Street Fighter 2 The Animated Movie

The game is the stuff of legend and the animated movie came nothing short of matching its success. Lord knows that it was so much better than the haphazard, poorly scripted and poorly written live action version! The only thing that makes that film watchable is the Kickboxer himself, Jean-Claude Van Damme, I mean, the actor who played Dee Jay didn't even really try to put on a Caribbean accent (Bumchum). Oh yeah and of course, Ms Minogue was somewhat of a big deal in this film where Cammy somehow moved from just being a cameo character to the woman in command! @,@ *b***h!

Anywho, here's the Japanese version with English subs on Youtube:

If you have a viewing preference towards one with an English dub, never fear I'll conjure up something here!


I'll have to admit, the English dub is pretty impressive. Dialogue highlights range from Vega's "You BITCH! My face, LOOK WHAT YOU HAVE DONE TO ME!!!", Ken calling M.Bison a "Dickhead" to Bison hitting him with the comeback of all comebacks...you know what I'm talking about "You worthless piece of excrement!" :D Hahahahaha, PWNED!

Enjoy and cherish the chance to watch the real street fighter, not a B-star, BS, bitch Hollywood rip off!


Watch this Video, Over, and Over Again..

This song is absolutely ILLLLL! The best dance song I've EVER heard in the whole wideworld, simple as, it's not up for dispute. 'We Found Love' or any of that sultry poppitosh of today can't hold a candle to this, let alone a firecracker!

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